Ni pulak chocolate moist cake yang telah diorder sepjg ni jugak...fuh dh penat la plak menghupload ni...ok relax and chill...thanks to all yg sudi order...
Thanks to my hubby's officemate...I dh lupa nama dia sorry...huhu...choc moist cake with buttercream frosting..
Thanks to Auntie Endon for anak yg mengidam nk mkan choc moist cake I...
Thanks for Syariza...choc moist cake with choc ganache + edible image
Thanks to Hazlin choc moist cake with ganache + buttercream frosting on top...
Thanks to Syida Russina Black n White cake...congrates...utk mkn2 lepas pertunangannye...

Russian black n white cake jugak tp dah lupa gerangan yang mengorder ini...sorry...